"When girls are educated, their countries becomes stronger and most prosperous.''
Bhartiya Vidya Mandir Sr. Sec. School, Dugri observed National Girl Child Day on 24th January to promote awareness about issues faced by girl child in India. The day aims to focus on the inequalities faced by girls, to promote the education, health and nutrition of the girls child and to spread awareness about the rights of girl child. A special assembly was held to celebrate the girl power. Mrs. Aaina verma enlightened everyone with the challenges that girls face in Indian society. Students of Class-VI & VII presented a mime act on the importance of women highlighting multifarious contribution made by girls to the society. Poem by student of class - III was performed in the assembly. Slogan & poster making activities were conducted by class VI & VII. Addressing the girls Principal Mrs Manisha Madaan inspired them to achieve their dreams and lead the world.