Bhartiya Vidya Mandir Sr. Sec. School, Dugri organised a dental health checkup camp aimed at promoting oral health awareness among students by Indian Dental association. The camp, held on 09-02-24, witnessed the active participation of esteemed dental professionals, including Dr. Parminder Singh Baweja, President of the Indian Dental Association, Ludhiana, Dr. Vikram Bali, Secretary of the Indian Dental Association Ludhiana, and Dr. Jaspal Singh, Convener of the Dental Health Association, along with their dedicated team. Through interactive sessions, students were educated about proper brushing techniques, the importance of regular dental check-ups, and preventive measures against common dental ailments. Dr. Vikram Bali expressed his gratitude to the school administration and students for their enthusiastic participation. Principal Mrs. Manisha Madaan extended her sincere appreciation to the team for their invaluable contribution to our students' health and well-being.