Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School

Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School

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Vaisakhi Celebration 2017 « 12/Apr/2017

Vaisakhi Celebration 2017
B.V.M Dugri celebrated Baisakhi, the festival of beginning of harvesting the wheat crop. The festival is of prime importance in Sikhism as it is a foundation day of Khalsa Panth. To mark the importance of the day, students performed various events like shabad and geet. Students also recited beautiful poems. There was also an event like speech highlighting the importance. Students performed Gatka which was the main attraction of the day. The traditional dance of Bhangra by the boys & Giddha by girls was performed on the stage which was liked by one & all. Principal mam Mrs Ranjit Kaur blessed all the students and gave a message that we should try to eradicate social evils like not believing in casteism. She further added we should neither accept oppression nor do it.