“Always respect the senior citizens not only because they are elder to us but they are far more experienced and truly make the best teachers in the world!!!”
Bhartiya vidya Mandir High School, Dugri observed World Senior Citizen's Day on 21st August. Mrs. Aaina our school teacher expressed her views on this day, she said this day is dedicated to the senior citizens and is observed on August 21 every year across the world. This day is dedicated to raise awareness about the issues that affect older adults and we must appreciate the senior citizen’s for their services they have given throughout their lives.
We also seek knowledge from their experiences and learn to respect their contribution to building the world we live in. Students of all classes made beautiful cards for their grandparents to celebrate this day. Principal Mrs. Manisha Madaan motivated all that having a senior citizen at home is truly essential. They can be the best guides for life. Due to the immense experience they hold about the various walks of life.
Happy Senior Citizens Day!