"I Do Not Mind My Sentence, Ten, Twenty or Fifty Years or to Be Hanged. I Have Done My Duty." Udham Singh
Bhartiya Vidya Mandir, Dugri celebrated 121th Birth Anniversary of Udham Singh on December 26, i.e. Saturday, this year. Udham Singh is one of the most revered freedom fighters of the Indian freedom struggle. The revolutionary leader is best known for his assassination of Michael O’Dwyer in London in 1940. He was hanged to death at a young age but died a martyr’s death. Mrs. Aaina our art teacher threw light to the life of this great hero by saying Udham Singh was associated with Ghadar Party in India’s independence movement. He was strongly influenced by Bhagat Singh. When he was produced in the Court for his sentencing for Michael O’ Dwyer’s assassination, he declared his name as Ram Mohammad Singh Azad – a combination of all the three religions in Punjab in those time. Udham Singh is held in high regards when it comes to freedom fighters in India. He is popularly referred to as ‘Shaheed-i-Azam Sardar Udham Singh’, which roughly translates to ‘the great martyr’. Students remembered this day by reciting different poems and by doing slogan writing on this great personality. We should always remember that "The India envisioned by freedom movement heroes like Udham Singh still stands like a challenge in front of us and we will have to take a pledge to maintain our democratic values,"