'Armed Forces Flag Day' on Dec. 7, 2019 under the theme
'वतन के लिए मिटने वालों को सलाम' to spread awareness among the students about the sacrifices made by the armed forces personnel in protecting and safeguarding the country. Our teacher,
Ms. Sampda apprised the students about the importance and significance of the day.
Sneha, student of class IX recited a beautiful
poem in honour of all the martyrs and in praise of the Indian Flag. Concluding the special assembly, students remembered and paid tribute to soldiers, their valour, selfless commitment and sacrifices for the security and integrity of the country by reciting the lines.
प्रणाम है उन वीर शहीदों को
जो लौट कर घर ना आए हैं
नमन है उन शहीदों को
जो लिपट तिरंगों में आए हैं